March 5:
Here we go. Took me three days of free time, but its there. If the style changes in the next couple it's because I'm trying to find a way of doing this that doesn't take a really long time. Did this one completely on the computer, which I thought would help... didn't really but oh well. I'll try doing it all by hand and just text on the comp next time.
Jan 16:
I got off my ass and pumped something out. Yay. Chapter One is here, and there shalt be much rejoicing because it's about time. I'm hoping to get some help with the layout and add a couple pages on the characters and World(s) I've put them in. But first, I'm going to concentrate on getting something out every week.
Nov 19:
So I got my scanner, but I'm not happy with the comic yet, so heres some filler to keep you non-existant people! From now on at least something will be up once a week. I'm aiming for a regularly twice a week comic eventually, but for now I think it's best to have one strip a week.
Oct 4:
Just some minor work on the site, felt like adding something here.
Oct 2:
Woo! Havent got the scanner yet, but as of right now, two comics are up, and maybe three by this time tomorrow depending! This is where the daily blog will be. Please bear with me, I'm still setting up the site, and html isn't exactly my best thing. Updates will be slow until I get into the swing of things, sorry. Not that anybodys reading this- yet. bwahahahahaha! My plan for world domination begins . . .

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